Dick Peeples - 1997 Black Tie DINNER Kuchling Humanitarian Award Speech

On November 22, 1997, Dick Peeples received the Kuchling Humanitarian Award from the Dallas Black Tie Dinner, the largest annual fundraising event in the City of Dallas.  The following is the written text of his acceptance speech that evening before an audience of 3,00 guests.

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Thank you for this award.  It means a lot to me.  I knew Ray Kuchling and to be associated with him is an honor indeed.

This is the season for thanksgiving and for gratitude.

I am truly thankful: for my loving family, for my upbringing and for my life experiences.

I am grateful for the thousands of people I have met and friends I have made in my volunteer work in the gay and lesbian community over the past 21 years.  Hundreds of those people are no longer with us now but that does not lessen my memories of them.

I look forward to serving not only our community, but also working to unite the diverse communities in the DFW area, for years to come.

Thank you.