Winter Brunch
Donate before November 1 to become an official sponsor of The Dallas Way. All donations fund our mission: To gather, organize, store, and present the complete LGBTQ history of Dallas. Your generous donation will help support digitizing artifacts for The Dallas Way Special Collections at the University of North Texas Libraries, presenting Outrageous Oral events, and hosting special events and exhibitions throughout North Texas, including the Dallas Holocaust & Human Rights Museum.
To become a presenting sponsor, please contact Treasurer@TheDallasWay.org.
✔ Two (2) tickets to the annual Winter Brunch
✔ Logo or Name (larger font) listing on the sponsorship poster displayed at the event
✔ Invitation to Jan 22, 2024 tour of the UNT’s Special Collections and Digital Project
✔ Logo or Name on The Dallas Way website sponsor page for one (1) year
✔ Featured sponsor write-up in The Dallas Way Quarterly Newsletter