The Dallas Way is the principal repository of both written and oral stories of individuals, organizations, and events pertaining to the LGBTQ community of Dallas. The subject matters, and (where appropriate) the authors, are indicated in the alphabetical index shown below. This list is constantly growing, so check back often. Video presentations (oral histories presented and videotaped at events sponsored by The Dallas Way) are marked "[Video]" ... and all other indexed items link to our collection of written stories. Making this incredibly rich history easily available to the public is one of the principal missions of The Dallas Way. Eventually, all of these items will be added to The Dallas Way's LGBTQ archival collection preserved for us at the University of North Texas for future historians to study.
Kuchling Award (Brown) and Carter Brown (re: Kuchling Award)
Black Tie Founders and William Waybourn / Black Tie
Sue Schrader
Pamela Curry
Gilda Garcia
Dan Peeler
Brady Allen and Dr. Brady Allen
Kuchling Award (Emery) and Robert Emery (re: Kuchling Award)
William Waybourn :: Life Story
Eric Folkerth and Kuchling Award (Folkerth)
Carol West and Rev. Carol West
George Harris
Mike Anglin
John Thomas and World AIDS Day
Kuchling Award (Luna) and Chris Luna (re: Kuchling Award)
Kuchling Award (Lill) and Veletta Forsythe Lill (re: Kuchling Award)
Duane Puryear
Craig Johnson and Waybourn Interview and Inspired by our Forerunners
Dick Peeples
John Thomas
Mike Richards
Kuchling Award (Monroe) and Bruce Monroe (re: Kuchling Award)
AIDS Research in Dallas and William Waybourn: AIDS Research
Kuchling Award (Maison) and Don Maison (re: Kuchling Award)
Kuchling Award (Nelson) and Bill Nelson (re: Kuchling Award)
The Crossroads Plaque
Kuchling Award (Wilkinson) and Kay Wilkinson (re: Kuchling Award)
Roger Kennedy
Cece Cox
Don Maison and Village Station Raids (1979)
Louise Young and Vivienne Armstrong
Betty K. Neal and Black Pride / Dallas
Jean Nelson and Bill Nelson (by Jean Nelson)
Chet Flake (re: Kuchling Award) and Kuchling Award (Flake)
Steve Atkinson (re: Kuchling Award) and Kuchling Award (Atkinson)
Roger Wedell (re: Kuchling Award) and Kuchling Award (Wedell)
Christine Jarosz (re: Kuchling Award) and Kuchling Award (Jarosz)
Kuchling Award (Covell) and Rebecca Covell (re: Kuchling Award)
Kuchling Award (Johnson) and Phil Johnson (re: Kuchling Award)
AIDS Food Pantry and Mary Franklin (re: AIDS Food Pantry)
Larry Pease (re: Kuchling Award) and Kuchling Award (Pease)
Terry Tebedo
Dick Peeples (re: Kuchling Award) and Kuchling Award (Peeples)
Lucilo Peña (re: Kuchling Award) and Kuchling Award (Peña)
Mike Anglin (re: Kuchling Award) and Kuchling Award (Anglin)
Mark Shekter and Meals on the Move ("MOM")
Phil Morrow
Daryl Curry and Turtle Creek Chorale (by Daryl Curry)
Bruce Monroe's Story
Richard Longstaff and Union Jack
The Dallas Way
Fire at the AIDS Resource Center (1989)
War Conference of 1988
Doug Mitchell
Gay & Lesbian Fund for Dallas
Michael Doughman
Turtle Creek Chorale (by M. Sullivan) and Michael Sullivan (re: Turtle Creek Chorale)
Peggy Evans and Stella Hess
Stonewall Democrats
Women's Chorus of Dallas and Shelley Sheridan (re: WCD)
Youth First Texas and Chris Hendrix (re: YFT)
Jacob ("Jake") Mangum
Crossroads Market and William Waybourn (re: Crossroads Mkt.)
Howie Daire and Buddy Mullino (re: Howie Daire)
Betty King and GayLine
Mary Franklin (re: Nash House) and Nash House
Baker vs. Wade litigation
Black Tie Dinner :: How it Began
Kim Dawson
Steven Childers
Don Baker and Maggie Watt (re: Don Baker)
Turtle Creek Chorale (by B. McCranie) and Bob McCranie (re: Turtle Creek Chorale)
Ron Maddox
Razzle Dazzle Dallas and Donnie Masters (re: Razzle Dazzle)
Barbara Rosenberg
Veletta Forsythe Lill
Brett Gray and Dallas’s Awesome Landscape
Joe Desmond and Ken Flanagan
David Taffet (re: Kuchling Award) and Kuchling Award (Taffet)
Bill Nelson
Rainbow Lounge Raid and Thomas Anable (re: Rainbow Lounge Raid)
Pat Stone and PFLAG
Mica England and Paul Williams (re: England vs. Dallas) and England vs. Dallas litigation
Evilu Pridgeon
Stella Hess (re: Call to Duty)
Anne Fay
Candy Marcum
Fairness Forth Worth
Resource Center Dallas and Rafael McDonnell
Stan Aten (re: Rainbow Garden Club) and Rainbow Garden Club
AIDS Memorial Quilt and Davie Jones (re: AIDS Memorial Quilt)
Lambda Weekly and David Taffet (re: Lambda Weekly)
Gay & Lesbian Young Adults and Bob McCranie (re: G&LYA)
Congregation Beth El Binah and David Taffet (re: Beth El Binah)
Paul Williams (re: Classic Chassis Car Club) and Classic Chassis Car Club
Carl Parker (re: Black Tie Dinner) and Black Tie Dinner :: Overview
Turtle Creek Chorale Donation [Video]
Michael Doughman [Video]
Dickie Weaver [Video], Mary Mallory [Video]
Maggie (Baker) Watt [Video]
Dick Peeples. [Video]
Pam Buchmeyer [Video]
Edra Bogle [Video]
E Tamplin [Video]
Jake Mangum [Video]
Oliver Blumer [Video]
Kathy Jack [Video]
Chris Luna [Video]
Patti Fink [Video]
Evilu Pridgeon [Video]
Mark Phariss [Video] and Vic Holmes [Video]
Peggy Evans [Video] and Stella Hess [Video]
Durward Watson [Video] and Michael Kaufman [Video]
Mike Grossman [Video]
Michael Doughman [Video]
Rodd Gray [Video]
Paul Williams [Video]
Richard Curtin [Video]
Michael Doughman [Video], Rodd Gray [Video], Paul Williams [Video], Richard Curtin [Video]
Sheriff Lupe Valdez [Video]
Kathy Bowser [Video]
Ed Oakley [Video]
Mark Shekter [Video]
Veletta Forsythe Lill [Video]
Barbara Rosenberg [Video]
Leza Mesiah [Video]
Buddy Mullino [Video]
AJ Aquinaga [Video]
Karen Wisely [Video]
Eric Duran [Video]
Rafael McDonnell [Video]
Dr. Clark Pomerleau [Video]
Lory Masters part 2 [Video]
Lory Masters part 1 [Video]
Emma Colquitt [Video]
Cece Cox [Video]
Alpha Thomas [Video]
Paul Pizzo [Video]
Ron Zimmerman [Video]
Pamela Curry [Video]
Molly Behannon [Video]
Leslie McMurray [Video]
Randy Potts [Video]
Terry D. Loftis [Video]
David Taffet [Video]
Louise Young [Video] and Vivienne Armstrong [Video]
Bruce Monroe [Video]
Nell Gaither [Video]
Dr. Gilda Garcia [Video]
Dr. Chwee Ly Chng [Video]
Karen McCrocklin [Video]
Mike Anglin [Video]
Mike Grossman [Video]
Bruce Jaster [Video]
Bruce Monroe [Video]
Paul Williams [Video]
Ann Brown [Video]
Kay Wilkinson [Video]
Rodd Gray [Video]
Harryette Ehrhardt [Video]
Cordell Adams [Video]
Hardy Haberman [Video]
Steve Atkinson [Video]
Nell Gaither [Video]
Darryl Baker [Video]
Candy Marcum [Video]
William Waybourn part 3 [Video]
Sherry Jacobson part 3 [Video: AIDS Crisis]
William Waybourn part 2 [Video]
Sherry Jacobson part 1 [Video: Bill Nelson]
William Waybourn part 1 [Video]
Sherry Jacobson part 2 [Video: Parkland Hosp.]
Ephraim Freese [Video]
Spencer Keralis [Video]
Bruce Monroe [Video]
Dr. Arturo Ortega [Video]
Buddy Mullino [Video]
Dreanna Belden [Video]
Dr. Gilda Garcia [Video]
Rebecca Covell [Video] and Bruce Monroe [Video]
Linda Mitchell [Video]
Carol West [Video]
Jesus Chairez. [Video]
Jack Evans [Video] and George Harris [Video]
Pat Stone [Video]
Rebecca Covell [Video]
Rebecca Covell [Video]
Michael Doughman [Video]
Monica Greene [Video]
Don Maison [Video]
Penny Krispin [Video]
Bruce Monroe [Video]
Rebecca Covell [Video]