Randy Potts tells his story for Outrageous Oral, Volume 10, April 24, 2014, in the Rose Room @ S4 in Dallas. Outrageous Oral is a quarterly evening of poignant memories and stories from Dallas' GLBT past. The Dallas Way is committed to our mission to gather, store, organize, and present the complete GLBT history of Dallas, Texas.
Randy Roberts Potts is a freelance writer, photographer, public speaker and performance artist focusing on the intersection of religion, culture and LGBT rights. In addition, he has spent much of his career focused on your people: working with juvenile delinquents on the East Coast, as a social worker in Oklahoma City and as a middle school English teacher. Randy's freelance work has been seen in many publications including The Washington Post, The Dallas Morning News, The Advocate, This Land Press, D Magazine and Box Turtle Bulletin, among others. Randy was also a contributor to the "It Gets Better" project.